SUSKIDS partners research on Sustainability and Inclusive Education

In addition to creating tools aimed at teachers and families, researchers in SUSKIDS project have been researching the relationship between sustainability, inclusion and well-being.

In recent years, there is a growing interest in achieving a sustainable society, also as a key requirement for the survival of the human race. This way, it is widely recognized that the education of people is crucial for the adoption of these values; in spite of this common interest, different approximations have arisen from distinct areas of knowledge, especially natural sciences, social sciences and economics, as well as pedagogics, to face this issue in the different stages of education.
At this point, and according to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (particularly SDG4, SDG10 and SDG12), the design of educational models that pay special attention at promoting equality and inclusion, led by the #LeavenoOneBehind principle, is a current need in many countries.
Therefore, researchers of SUSKIDS project from the coordinating entity, UBU, have carried out research work, based on a wide literature review and using both quantitative and qualitative methods, to explore the different approaches on the concepts of sustainability, inclusive education and disability and the relationships among these concepts.

The article is Open Access, thus it can be accessed online and downloaded.

This research work will be continued with the attendance of the researchers at the CIDICO congress on teaching innovation and research in higher education, that will be held online in November 2020, at which they will present 2 publications in poster format.

Keep tuned with our project to know more about our research!

© 2019 Suskids. Sustainability Skills for Down Syndrome. Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. Gant Agreement 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050639.

The European Commission support for the producition of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only for the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.