SUSKIDS at the ErasmusDays 2020

SUSKIDS organized an online event for the Erasmus Days 2020

Last week, the ErasmusDays 2020 were organized, representing the 4th edition in which more than 3000 Projects were held in more than 67 countries, from Spain to Vietnam.

The events were held by a wide variety of educational organizations, with different formats and contents from exhibitions to seminars and open days with the common aim of sharing the Erasmus experience among the different actors and the commitment to Europe, using the hashtag #erasmusdays.

This year, SUSKIDS project took the opportunity, through the organization of an online Event in which our Virtual Learning Environment, to be officially released soon, was announced to our public and a video teaser explaining the main features was published . During this event, we also aimed at collecting the opinion of teachers and parents of students with Down Syndrome on inclusive education, the use of ITC, and training on environmental and sustainability issues, be means of an online survey.

Take a look at the video below, the results will come soon!

The attendants of the event, after answering the survey, could have the opportunity of testing the Virtual Learning environment, which is nowadays being fine-tuned to adapt to the different backgrounds of the participating countries and complemented with tutorials to help educators managing the courses and the related features.
Up to date, the VLE is being tested by schools with the final users: teachers and students with Down syndrome aged 12 to 18 years old. Although the restrictions posed by the COVID have difficulted this activity, we are happy to see that the feedback they are giving is enthusiastic, and they are enjoying the contents and the activities proposed.

© 2019 Suskids. Sustainability Skills for Down Syndrome. Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. Gant Agreement 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050639.

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