SUSKIDS presents its first result
Last Wednesday, January 29th, the University of Burgos organized as Project Coordinators of SUSKIDS the first Multiplier Event planned in the project, aiming to present the first result obtained with the collaboration of all partners: the Toolkit for recycling skills knowledge transfer to Down Syndrome individuals.
During the event, different seminars took place, on the different topics covered in the Toolkit, such as the special educational needs of Down Syndrome individuals, the standards and methodologies to develop learning adaptations for these persons, the use of Information and Communication Technologies
(ITCs) in different educational contexts, and the European Qualification Framework (EQF) in which the contents and activities proposed in the toolkit are outlined. Check our “Results” section to see all the videos and download the presentations.
The event was attended by professionals from different backgrounds, including telecommunications and informatics, building engineering, environment, education and social work, as well as representatives of public bodies, families and associations of advocates for Down Syndrome.
These diverse perspectives were reflected in an interesting Round Table, were participants from the different sectors discussed on the needs of people with Down Syndrome in educational contexts, and the contributions and possibilities offered by the SUSKIDS project to improve their opportunities in the labour market and society.
Besides, students from the Special Education Centre Estela in Burgos attended the event and had the opportunity for learning in a Workshop how different types of waste usually found in our environment are recycled to create new building materials.
© 2019 Suskids. Sustainability Skills for Down Syndrome. Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. Gant Agreement 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050639.
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