SUSKIDS partners meet in Dublin

The Erasmus+  project “SUSKIDS-Enabling professionals and families to transfer sustainable knowledge and skills to Down Syndrome  individuals” Consortium  gathered together in Dublin during the 10th and 11th September 2019, during the Meeting organized by NCCA and TCD

The aim of this II Transnational Meeting was to assess among the partners the Toolkit designed to provide professionals and families of Down Syndrome individuals with resources, to move forward in the development of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and to prepare the pilot courses that will be implemented in the following months.

The partners working during the meeting

Regarding the second Project Output, the VLE , it will promote the co-participation of the users in the design in a simple way, by means of the personalization of the contents and the performance of activities aimed at the validation in the last stage of development, allowing the adaption to different learning levels through an innovative psychological approach

On the other hand, NCCA showed the progress made in the preparation of the courses, drafting among other aspects the Priority Learning Units (PLUs), and the resources required for their implementation.

At the meeting, the partners presented the first stages of the Social Impact Assessment (SIA), which intends to measure the effects of SUSKIDS Projects among the target groups it is aimed at.

Finally, the Consortium agreed to the dates for the next meetings and the organisation of the first Multiplier Event, in which the first results of the Project will be disseminated. Partners had also the chance to visit the campus of Trinity College Dublin, where the Consortium meal was celebrated.

© 2019 Suskids. Sustainability Skills for Down Syndrome. Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. Gant Agreement 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050639.

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